Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Morning and Evening Again

Didn't hold stready

16" Pure Poison white
5:00-7:00AM GOMH SW
Conditions: 39-47, Clear, light WNW

Not much going on this morning.  A couple of jumpers and a toothy.  One sign of a dogfish, but I didn't get a hit after casting to it for 10 minutes.  No silvers.

7:10-8:00AM Bulldog
Warming 47-54
I got 6 little sunnies trying to burn through what is left of my waxies and maggies.

7:30PM-1:00AM GOMH SE
Conditions: 63-39, Calm, Sunny/clear, slow current into Sullivan

The warmer weather is starting to have an effect on the fish, as fishing improved tonight.  I decided to check the GOMH first and only one guy was there.  He had been there for several hours throughout the day and only had gotten one bullhead.  I got a toothy pretty quickly on the Storm WildEye.
21.5" 2" Storm Swim Shad
The guy left.  Matt W showed up and fished on the N side.  He came over to see if I was getting anything just as I landed this jumper.
16" SK Spin Double white CO blades
He had gotten a small dogfish earlier in the day.  And told me what he saw when they shined last night.  I didn't get any dogfish, but I did pick up another toothy and two more jumpers.  It was a warm enough calm night.  Lantern Man's buddy G showed up just as I was switching to the lighted bobber.  I got a nice silver almost immediately casting towards the bridge.
11.5" Glow Demon w/minnow
I got two 12's in my next 3 fish.  Lantern Man showed up as did the Rowdy Bullhead Fishermen who fished the North side.  We were getting fish at a steady pace with a few dry spells.  I ended up with 12 silvers landed, keeping 4, including a fish I got on my last cast.  I also gave two 10" fish to LM.  The Rowdy Bullhead fishermen killed a big pregnant female bowfin tonight.   When I left at 1AM LM and G had two fish a piece to reach their limit, so fishing was slightly better on the SW side tonight. G got a golden and I had something get off that I didn't see what it was.

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