Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Pre-fishing Leech With Snatcher Bruce

 I arrived at the resort Bruce was staying at just after 9AM, just as the wind started to blow. We were off by 9:45 headed to Boy Bay. Didn't find anything along the shoreline but one pike. Found one spot that looked good, but there were no signs of life. Bruce's Ultrex shut off, presumably because I had blown a fuse running it on 10 while it had some weeds. Bruce didn't remember where the fuse box was and couldn't find it. We called his mechanic, who wasn't sure where it was either, but he gave us some tips. We still didn't find anything. So we were just going to scout with the big motor, but then Bruce discovered the troller had power. We then surmised there is a kill switch in the motor if it gets too hot. We then went over by the Boy River. Too shallow and too much crap weed. We went and checked Center Rice, which looked good to me. We then headed to the reed bed on the N or Bear Island. Don't think we will stop here. Tried to find the rice patch that I fished with Ruff the last time. We turned away because the water was too shallow. Went to look at a spot Bruce found the day before and checked one other spot. The sky got dark, and the wind really started humming, so we called it a day.

It is a bummer that Leech is so low. So much water that would typically hold fish is dry or almost so. We don't have much of a clue about where on the East side of Bear Island is safe to run, so I am not sure if we will even go to the best water we scouted. It looks like it is going to be windy again on Saturday, oh for joy.

Got my new iPhone squared away at the Apple store on my way home. That is something positive.

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